A Trusted Resource for Pastors and Church Leaders

Stewardship and Offertory Programs

For over 35 years, Jack Kearns and the executives of John Kearns & Associates have been providing the highest level of comprehensive services to Catholic parishes. For the last six years, Jack Kearns, President of John Kearns & Associates has also served as co-chair of the Parish Stewardship Committee at St. Bernadette Church in Orchard Park, NY.

Executives from the firm are nationally recognized experts in parish capital campaigns and stewardship development. They have been instrumental in the development and expansion of Catholic Stewardship throughout the United States and they will work to maximize program results through a spiritual methodology. In addition, all of the support services such as printing, mailings, brochure design, letter writing, etc, can be done through John Kearns & Associates.

As a full-service Catholic consulting firm, John Kearns & Associates delivers the highest level of comprehensive services to Catholic parishes. Our Stewardship Appeals have been time-tested and proven successful year after year. We also provide customized educational materials as indicated below.

Our Responsibilities

Design and Write all Campaign/Stewardship Literature including:

  • Campaign/Appeal Brochure and Letters
  • Pulpit Talks and Updates
  • Parish Newsletters
  • Campaign/Appeal Prayer
  • Time, Talent and Treasure Card
  • Progress Reports


John Kearns & Associates will collaborate with the pastor and parish representatives to plan and customize the Stewardship Program. The Pastor will have complete control over the program, however John Kearns & Associates will do all of the work and provide on-site counsel and support. Appeal letters, talks, announcements, brochures, newsletters, etc will be prepared by John Kearns & Associates and the Pastor will have final approval on the content.

The program includes three basic components:

  • Planning
  • Education
  • Commitment


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